Sometimes it is just hard to understand why those that seem to deserve a break are often challenged to overcome hardship again and again. We hear about it in the news all of the time. Likely, we personally know earnest people who are constantly put through trials and then set back by circumstances beyond their control. Don’t we wonder why their luck seems so elusive? Isn’t that one reason many pray amidst their own bounty for those that need it most, for those that deserve the same good fortune? Isn’t that why some question why those that need it least, those that deserve it least, those that could share their good fortune and never miss it seem to remain oblivious to the needs of others? Is it just the vagaries of life? Is it God’s will? Or, is it that God does not exist and we should stop expecting some greater force to make things right and just do it ourselves? Isn’t this lament ancient, a riddle, a simplistic distillation of the same question that has haunted humanity forever? It is. Ancient texts have addressed this dilemma far more eloquently, far more nuanced than I could ever do in an internet blog. I know my limitations and there is no pretense in my observations; nevertheless, this quandary remains ever-present, always surfacing in my head when I least expect it. How about you? The all too recent earthquake in Nepal is the perfect example.
The Greater Impact Foundation has been a supporter of Good Weave Nepal, an incredible organization committed to the eradication of child labor in the rug industry, the education and employment of marginalized women to take their place and the legitimization of the industry by the government and private enterprise. They have been making great strides forward and it has taken many years. Then the earthquake literally shakes the foundation of their progress. I cannot explain the chaos. I am not there. But, I was. Two months ago. I met the children Good Weave has saved. I met the women Good Weave has trained and employed. I have met the merchants who are leaders in the rug industry. I have met the government officials who can help. I have spent time with the people who make Good Weave work. I could see the potential to help those in greatest need in measurable ways. Then their world came tumbling down. And, yes, it is haunting to me that those in greatest need cannot seem to get a break.
Of all the places in the world there are few that are literally closer to the heavens. The beauty of the Himalayas surrounding the valley where Kathmandu lies is beyond words. The people are kind. Their poverty is overt which makes their needs seem almost impossible to meet. Their perseverance is obvious and over time they will recover in spite of the setback. Yet, I still sit back and wonder just what it is that makes the little blue marble spinning in the void tick and the same lament rises into my consciousness again. Give them a break.