Our Mission

The Greater Impact Foundation funds stage two and beyond for-profit and non-profit social impact enterprises that focus acutely on measurable poverty eradication. It is a borderless organization intent on enabling those at the bottom of the pyramid to achieve self-sufficiency in a sustainable, environmentally viable and scalable manner. The mission revolves around the belief that providing a “hands up” versus a “hand out” approach to the marketplace is empowering


Enabling those at the bottom of the pyramid is GIF’s mission. Doing it efficiently is the key. We focus on for-profit social enterprises that eventually no longer need outside financial support to thrive and we focus on non-profit social enterprises who can enable those they support achieve sustainable livelihood independence without outside intervention.


Organizations that have lasting impact are by their very nature sustainable.  They have a social business model that focuses on generating profit so they can reinvest that resource, scale to a large size and enable as many people as possible to escape poverty without relying on others to fund their vision.


How It Works

If you are a stage two for-profit social enterprise that can demonstrate measurable traction and the ability to scale over time or if you are a non-profit that can create sustainable livelihood opportunities for their constituents then you may be a perfect fit for the Greater Impact Foundation.


Reach out

Contact us via email