Greater Impact Foundation Website Is Live!

Greater Impact Foundation Website Is Live!

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James.   Perhaps one of the most influential  people of his time, James' words still resonate today, more than a century past his time.  The Greater Impact Foundation, founded to act according to this mantra continues to pursue this goal.  Today, as we relaunch our website and begin a modest social media thrust to get the word out about our mission; one focused on working with enterprises who share our desire to help those in greatest need, we know that the only way to succeed is to heed James' words and act.  Not just act, but share!  So, we invite you to follow us.  Whether it is our blog or on twitter @_greaterimpact or on our new facebook page, our goal is to elevate the discussion, engage and motivate followers to act and showcase those enterprises that are truly making a difference.  Join us!